Friday 31 January 2014

Samsung M3 Portable Series USB 3.0 - 1.5TB Host Powered External HDD - for just under £60 quid?

Running out of room on your Hard Disk / HDD?

Do you need to separate your data / session files from your apps drives ?  Looking to backup your precious DAW?

Seems like nowadays you can never have enough storage - and when I was sent an email blast from DABS.COM recently about a bargain 1.5TB USB 3.0 HDD for just £59.99 with STANDARD UK DELIVERY of £0.82 pennies....  bringing the TOTAL to £60.77......
That's a whopping 1500GB of external high-speed USB 3.0 storage for just a smidge over 60 QUID !  Not bad ! ...and YES PLEASE>

So, I ordered ONE....  and two days later - it arrived in the mail.

The drive itself (while branded Samsung) is actually from SEAGATE>  so all software components / drivers etc. need to be upgraded / downloaded from the SEAGATE for SAMSUNG website.

Pre-loaded on the drive are "SAMSUNG Drive Manager" and the NTFS for MAC drivers...... however - it is worth noting that this software was already out-of-date, so I downloaded the latest versions from the internet links (shown in this BLOG post!)

The drive comes pre-formatted with NTFS>  so if you are using a MAC - you'll need to get the NTFS for MAC driver - download from here>

For Windows - it should mount OK as a new external drive, however - if you want to take advantage of the features such as Drive Encryption SecretZone, Drive Lock and Auto-Backup etc.  you'll need to download and install the "SAMSUNG Drive Manager" software.

Windows download ->

I downloaded "SAMSUNG Drive Manager" Version: 1.0.172.- my test machine is running Windows 8.1 x64 bit - and is an i7-Core 4702MQ 2.2Ghz // 10GB RAM // 2 x USB 3.0 ports SS (SuperSpeed).  * The USB ports should be BLUE coloured, or have the SS logo on / CONNECTOR.

I install the software - and then REBOOT.

WEIRD BUG : * my USB External Keyboard was disconnected from USB upon reboot, so I had to log on using the laptop built-in keyboard...?  That's a bit strange........

Once you've signed back in - you'll have a new ICON in the System Tray - right-click on it to see the options.

I choose Start Samsung Drive Manager...........

Initial tests - copying files from my LOCAL HDD --> external M3 drive - saw average transfer rate of 60MB/s through Windows File Explorer.

Using Disk Benchmarking tools - CrystalDiskMark - we saw the following results using the default Random Test Data File @ 1000MB (5 x iterations)

Of course - the MORE MB/s the better the performance.

All told - none too shabby ! 

..for reference purposes - I used the same configuration and benchmarked the drive in a USB 2.0 port.


Enjoy FOLKS!

Monday 27 January 2014

AVID release the *official STANDALONE 11R Editor* - Yes, that is OFFICIAL !

In the words of George Takei - "Ohhhhhhh myyyyyyyy !"......

AVID announce and release the *official* - "Eleven Rack Editor" (STANDALONE EDITOR).  Version 1.0.

Version 1.0 release January 23rd, 2014

The "11R users / community" have been pushing AVID for a long time for a standalone editor (according to AVID, this was the #1 user request);  which works without having to run Pro Tools (..or have it open) ...or using Pro |Tools as their main DAW.   As the 11R user community were greeted with a wall of "silence" from AVID - the proclamation was that 11R was dead.   Some of the more entrepreneurial community members took it upon themselves to develop basic rig / patch loaders- one such project was "Eleven HACK" (See my favourite links for the info.) - this was not a rig editor, but the start of what could have been a standalone editor project. 

So why is this such exciting news?
Firstly, it is FREE - costs NADA / ZIP.

The problem (historically) was that the Eleven Rack Editor was (INTEGRATED) within Pro Tools;  so this became a giant P.I.T.A. under certain conditions.

Using another DAW? Like Reason, Cubase, Logic?  No problem - just use your favourite DAW and the 11R Standalone Editor...........  (No longer will you need to modify everything via the 11R front panel buttons!!!)   There are some *caveats*; but hey - it's a version 1.0 release.

One other reason for this is that Pro Tools Version 11 no longer has the Eleven Rack integration / support - so in many ways - they have HAD to build the standalone editor (to prevent further outcry from the 11Rack community!).

What do you need? Specs?
The Eleven Rack Editor only works with Eleven Rack systems running 11RXP - Eleven Rack Expansion Pack (firmware version v2.0 or higher);  You MUST have the Expansion Pack.

The Application ALSO requires a 64-bit operating system—Windows 8, Windows 7, or OS X 10.8 or later, and the latest Eleven Rack drivers for your system.

Have more questions? Check the F.A.Q. --> Click here.

Get it here >

Pro Tools Expert (James Ivey) - does a nice little video and "show and tell" --> below > 

Benoni Studios also has a few nice videos and TIPS (Keep Editor on Top!);  check out his videos also.

Keep on top Utility (Video below)

Thursday 23 January 2014

Electronic / Digital editions of MusicTech magazine *now working on Android (EXACTLY App)*

Back in May 2013 - I 'bit the bullet' and subscribed to MusicTech Magazine.......... and had a nice free gift too !  The StudioSpares S580 Dynamic Hypercardioid Vocal / Instrument Microphone.

Aside from receiving the printed edition copy of MusicTech magazine (monthly specialist magazine for producers, engineers and recording musicians)  ( every month in the MAIL *woohoo*

2. you also receive the "digital subscription version" to read on your computer / tablet / phone etc.................

The problem was, whilst the digital edition worked great on the PC - on an Android device such as a Tablet, or Smart Phone - it just didn't work !!!!  PERIOD.

So, some months later (in Jan 2014) - and I can confirm that this is now working well on my Android Tablet.  It recognises my subscription - and I can download / SYNC the latest magazine edition - and around 3 years in digital back copy....

Whilst the 'Exactly' application is less than perfect........  I'm pleased to report it is working - and allows you to SYNC the monthly editions to read on your Tablet.

Have fun reading your electronic / digital magazines !

Thursday 16 January 2014

M-Audio / AirMusicTech IGNITE v.1.3

M-Audio / AirMusicTech have released another update to IGNITE - they are now at V.1.3.  (Released end Oct 2013).

More info........

Well - considering we still don't have any HYPERCONTROL for Pro Tools - all we can use is IGNITE.........

On the bright side - you do get expanded electronic drums with 25 new patches ! 

Woop ! 

Still no HYPERCONTROL for Pro Tools? Seriously????

Well folks, it has been a while since my last confession POST !  Sorry for the absence;  unfortunately, life has a habit of getting in the way !!!!! 
Anyway - as we are now in a shiny new Year 2014 - I was optimistic that M-Audio would have developed the HyperControl stuff for using the AIR 25 with  Pro Tools;

So I fire up the Web Browser - and point it at

(SCROLL DOWN) - and ............

Supported DAWs

SERIOUSLY? Still no HyperControl for Pro Tools?

I purchased my AXIOM AIR 25 back in May 2013 - in fact, I even posted about it on the BLOG.

Original post - here >>>

So, having owned the AIR 25 for 9 months - I've still been UNABLE to use it with Pro Tools....................  So it sits GATHERING DUST !!!!!!!!!


Reading various posts - the "standard" response from "STAFF" seems to be that the HyperControl stuff is still under ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT.   (Where an undercurrent of the blame game is also evident in the forum posts!)...........

LISTEN to your customers M-AUDIO - the consumers don't really care where the BLAME lies.............  Is it M-Audio?  Is it AIRMUSICTECH?  Is it Avid?    We don't care - all we really ask for is transparency and clear communication - maybe some indication of WHEN?

For example -it will be available for Q1-2014.   This is a large enough window for *ANY* software / hardware vendor to adhere to.....................  We don't want a specific DAY / DATE / TIME...............  just a good enough idea.

Add your VOICE to this community thread if you own one of the AIR series - and need Hyper Control for Pro Tools...