Thursday 16 January 2014

Still no HYPERCONTROL for Pro Tools? Seriously????

Well folks, it has been a while since my last confession POST !  Sorry for the absence;  unfortunately, life has a habit of getting in the way !!!!! 
Anyway - as we are now in a shiny new Year 2014 - I was optimistic that M-Audio would have developed the HyperControl stuff for using the AIR 25 with  Pro Tools;

So I fire up the Web Browser - and point it at

(SCROLL DOWN) - and ............

Supported DAWs

SERIOUSLY? Still no HyperControl for Pro Tools?

I purchased my AXIOM AIR 25 back in May 2013 - in fact, I even posted about it on the BLOG.

Original post - here >>>

So, having owned the AIR 25 for 9 months - I've still been UNABLE to use it with Pro Tools....................  So it sits GATHERING DUST !!!!!!!!!


Reading various posts - the "standard" response from "STAFF" seems to be that the HyperControl stuff is still under ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT.   (Where an undercurrent of the blame game is also evident in the forum posts!)...........

LISTEN to your customers M-AUDIO - the consumers don't really care where the BLAME lies.............  Is it M-Audio?  Is it AIRMUSICTECH?  Is it Avid?    We don't care - all we really ask for is transparency and clear communication - maybe some indication of WHEN?

For example -it will be available for Q1-2014.   This is a large enough window for *ANY* software / hardware vendor to adhere to.....................  We don't want a specific DAY / DATE / TIME...............  just a good enough idea.

Add your VOICE to this community thread if you own one of the AIR series - and need Hyper Control for Pro Tools...

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