Friday 21 February 2014

Daddy wants a new Audio Interface - Part 2

Pappa bear wants a new Audio Interface..........

What's your budget?

Up to £400 GBP

What features are important?

  • Simplified IO and future growth
    • Tracking vocal / instrument mics / MIDI without having to disconnect / re-connect everything
    • Plentiful IO for any future developments.
  • S/PDIF (Coaxial) x 2
    • Linking Avid Eleven Rack but without compromising feature set such as Embed Rig Settings into track
    • Keeping the True-Z characteristics of 11R (not bypassing it)
    • Retain Embed Rig settings into track over S/PDIF
    • Word-Clock SYNC with Eleven Rack and Master Word-Clock [the new Audio Interface!]
  • Enhance options & quality for vocal & instrument mic's
    • Looking for decent MIC pre's
    • Must support 48V Phantom
    • Must include PAD when ......
  • ADAT Lightpipe / Optical (x2)*Desirable
    • Would be nice for any future expansion
  • Word Clock (BNC)Input / Output *Desirable
    • Most reliable connection for Master Word-Clock generator role
  • Standalone mode
    • Can run as a signal mixer in standalone mode
  • 19" Rack Enclosure ready
  • Power ON / OFF Switch
  • Windows 7.x x64 Bit // Pro Tools 10.x compatible
  • USB 2.0 ..ideally - or Firewire

Interfaces under consideration
  • PreSonus AudioBox 1818-VSL
    • RRP £430 GBP
  • Focusrite Scarlett 18i20
    • RRP £400 GBP
      • This unit is effectively the Saffire Pro 40 with USB 2.0 rather than FireWire.

  • Behringer U-Phoria UMC1820

Presonus has built-in DSP 26x8 DSP mixer which allows for Near-zero-latency monitoring with extensive signal processing - including compression, reverb, delay and EQ to be added to the 'monitoring' side with no audible delay.  The end result : a more natural performance from the performer (counteracting the clinical sound absorbing studio env).    This is of course interesting in LIVE situations, but also for mixing in the studio.  

Without a decent hardware / software combination such as a software based mixer / router - you rely on the DAW to add the effects into the signal chain - which can add milliseconds before the output is heard via the speakers or headphones.

Whilst the hardware from all vendors is quite similar - it is often the software that makes or breaks the solution.  Let's examine the options.

PreSonus have VSL

Focusrite have MixControl

Behringer have ?????????????????? I don't know - TBC

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Time for a new Audio / MIDI Interface? So many choices........ but first.... another 24 bit / 96 kHz or 192 kHz debate.

It's a funny old world, innit?

So, I've spent quite a few days looking for a new low-mid level Audio Interface with masses of I/O possibilities and versatility - and I'm excited to see some new products that fit the bill nicely.  {More to come on this shortly............!}

As I was looking at specifications, watching videos, reading forums etc.  I came across this question posted by a user.................

Q. Can someone please explain to me the differences between 24bit/96 kHz and 24bit/192 kHz recording? [sample rate]
 { ..and the WINNING ANSWER is......... }
A. I doubt that you will be able to tell any differences between 96 kHz and 192 kHz ..unless you record bats or dolphins!
[WOW - what a superb answer !!!!]

Let's examine this a bit further.

We know that the sample rate refers to how many 24--bit samples are recorded every second.

96 kHz recording have 96,000 24-bit samples recorded each second.

192 kHz has 192,000 24-bit samples recorded each second.

Also remember that the human ear cannot process anything over 20 kHz anyway... the general range of hearing for young people is 20 Hz to 20 kHz.  As you start to "mature" - your hearing range will likely deteriorate anyway.


Considering most commercial CD's have a resolution of 16 bit / 44.1 kHz...........  then 96 kHz should be MORE than sufficient............. right?

Experienced Audio engineers will go on to explain that a higher bit rate like 24 / 192 kHz resolution will give you more "head-room" and dynamic range.    Particularly important when recording LIVE or dynamic performances, but for most controlled environments like a home studio - 24/192 is likely overkill with no real noticeable audible difference.

Remember that 24/192 sampling will EAT DISK SPACE as well!!!!  You need to find a happy medium - so for most 24/96 kHz is more than plenty.

The problem with some of the manufacturers who claim a 192 kHz sample rate (for the low-mid range products)  is not really a true statement........

Using software manipulation - manufacturers of these devices can use programming to tell a 96 kHz chip to emulate a 192 kHz recording.   The END RESULT is *likley* a poor quality recording which actually sounds a lot worse than if it was recorded at 96 kHz.

A true 192Khz sample rate interface can be expensive................  for example the RME Fireface UFX; 

In the £500-£1500 range - we are starting to see 24/192 interfaces  but it still begs the question - is it worth the pay-off on CPU / RAM / DISK SPACE overhead of working with 24/192 kHz ?

Surely we should consider the end-game;  what will the final AUDIO be used for? ..and let that be your deciding factor.

Comments ?

Wednesday 12 February 2014

I ♥ westendDJ - saviours of my sanity - relievers of my AXIOM AIR frustrations !

So, it's official - I love the folks at westendDJ !

After 9+ *FRUSTRATING* months of waiting for HyperControl to come out for the AXIOM AIR 25 (This has been covered many times, in many of my other posts) - I finally gave up waiting for M-Audio / InMusic / AVID) -and contacted the nice folks at westendDJ about the problem (The retailer from where I had purchased my AXIOM AIR 25).

After some investigations - the kind people at westendDJ agreed to swapping out my AXIOM AIR 25 [I had NOT used this, and could NOT use this - without HC for Pro Tools] with a suitable replacement Keyboard / Controller that met the following criteria :-

a) *worked with Pro Tools*
b) ...and had HyperControl support for Pro Tools .....  including transport and VI mapping

The closest alternative for me was the AXIOM PRO 25 !  ...and after a few days, the exchange was complete.  

All I can say is WOW - what a difference !  

The AXIOM PRO 25 works effortlessly and seamlessly with Pro Tools v.10.3.8 natively including the mapping of the VI's and Transport Controls.


! westendDJ for the WIN ! 

Here are a few images of the AXIOM PRO 25 for your viewing pleasure.

I would highly recommend westendDJ, they really are a great company to deal with. 

Go spend your hard-earned with them immediately !!!!!!!!