Wednesday 12 February 2014

I ♥ westendDJ - saviours of my sanity - relievers of my AXIOM AIR frustrations !

So, it's official - I love the folks at westendDJ !

After 9+ *FRUSTRATING* months of waiting for HyperControl to come out for the AXIOM AIR 25 (This has been covered many times, in many of my other posts) - I finally gave up waiting for M-Audio / InMusic / AVID) -and contacted the nice folks at westendDJ about the problem (The retailer from where I had purchased my AXIOM AIR 25).

After some investigations - the kind people at westendDJ agreed to swapping out my AXIOM AIR 25 [I had NOT used this, and could NOT use this - without HC for Pro Tools] with a suitable replacement Keyboard / Controller that met the following criteria :-

a) *worked with Pro Tools*
b) ...and had HyperControl support for Pro Tools .....  including transport and VI mapping

The closest alternative for me was the AXIOM PRO 25 !  ...and after a few days, the exchange was complete.  

All I can say is WOW - what a difference !  

The AXIOM PRO 25 works effortlessly and seamlessly with Pro Tools v.10.3.8 natively including the mapping of the VI's and Transport Controls.


! westendDJ for the WIN ! 

Here are a few images of the AXIOM PRO 25 for your viewing pleasure.

I would highly recommend westendDJ, they really are a great company to deal with. 

Go spend your hard-earned with them immediately !!!!!!!!

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